Friday, March 21, 2014

   Extreme Programming (XP) is the most widely used Agile Process model. XP uses an object oriented approach as its development paradigm. XP encompasses a set of rules and practices that occur within the context of four framework activities : planning, design , coding and testing.


  • Begins with a set of stories (scenarios).
  • Each story written by the customer is assigned a value depending on its priority.
  • The members of the XP team assess each story and assigned a cost measured in development weeks.
  • If a story has more that three weeks to develop the customer is asked to split it.
  • New stories can add any time.
  • Customers and XP team work together to decide how to group stories for next increment.
  • AS development work proceeds, the customers can add stories, split stories and eliminate them.
  • The XP team then reconsiders all remaining releases and modify its plan accordingly.

  • A simple design is preferred.
  • Design only consider the given stories.
  • Extra functionality discouraged.
  • Identify the object oriented classes that are relavant to the current system.
  • The output of the design process is a set of CRC ( Class Responsibility Collaborator) cards.

  • XP recommends developing a series of unit tests for each of the story.
  • Once the code is complete, units should be unit tested.
  • Pair programming – two people work together at one computer.

  • The unit tests that has been created in the coding stage should be implemented using a framework that can be implemented.
  • This enables regression testing.
  • Integration and validation can occur on a daily basis.
  • This provides the XP team with a continual indication of the progress and also raise flags early if things are going wrong.
  • Acceptance tests are derived from user stories that have been implemented as parts of the software release.


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